Ford on Video: Magic Eight Ball Holiday Site
This holiday season, Lollipop and CrushInc collaborated together to bring to you the Ford Holiday Magic Eight Ball. I was tasked to help with the website and had a blast working on this project. Give it a try, we hope you enjoy it a much as we did making it.
Rob Ford Magic Eight Ball
Lollipop and Crush Animation wanted to create something unique for the holidays. Something that would showcase what we could do, something relevant, and something to lift the spirit of our clients and friends. We chose someone big, rosey cheeked and seamingly unreal to be our holidy hero. Yup, Rob Ford.
Our integrated, interactive experience allowed anyone to ask our Merry-Mayor a question, with an animated respononse to view and share. All responses were words actually uttered by Mayor Ford. Guerilla stickers, printed cards, e-blasts and simple and free social media tactics extended our campaign beyond the boarders of Canada. To see the full results review the case study below